16 April 2012

I Have Hilarious Friends

This is my 101st blog post on The Frostical, so I guess I should say thank you to everybody who reads this shit and a big 'fuck you' to Google who still haven't reinstated my AdSense account - even after I appealed. Twice. Google, minus points. 

And what better way to celebrate my Dalmatian Post than to post a conversation between two of my closest friends. This interaction occurred shortly after @The_Krans joked about my oldPad 2 on Twitter. The conversation that ensued is based 100% on factual information.  

Nick is so sad on twitter that there is a new iPad out
So I called it an oldPad2 which didn't help
Dennis Krige:
Dennis Krige:
Oh well
Dennis Krige:
A new pad comes out every 15 seconds
Dennis Krige:
He gets what he gets then
Dennis Krige:
iShit is the worst
'The iPad 16/04/2012 16:20:15'
It's a better name!
Dennis Krige:
It is a better name!
Dennis Krige:
I hear 'the iPad 16/04/2012 16:20:16' is far better
Fuck! I wish I'd bought that one...
Dennis Krige:
Too bad 'the iPad 16/04/2012 21:20:16' is out in the States already
It features the brand new "money eating" feature
Dennis Krige:
And the state of the art virginity protector
Oh wait, an update has come out, but it costs you a first-born son to upgrade
Dennis Krige:
And the soul of a Lemming
Good, I've upgraded using my child and a Lemming as payment
FUCK -- new iPad!
And no more kids...
Dennis Krige:
I'll get excited about the iBrain
But the new one comes out in the shape of Steve Jobs' balls
And you log on by kissing it gently - but caringly.
Dennis Krige:
And showing it picture of your wife in the shower
And then it empties your bank account by default, before immediately being replaced by a newer version
True that, it unlocks the Wi-Fi
Dennis Krige:
Oh Apple...
Dennis Krige:
You are a cruel mistress
Wish I could show this chat to Nick.
Dennis Krige:
You can...

And they did. You can follow @The_Krans and @denniskrige on Twitter for more of this golden gold. Happy Monday!

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