When I first heard the line-up (both local and international acts) for this year's
RAMfest V, I was surprised at their
unconventional choice. Last year we had
Pendulum's DJ set blast our ears (and eyes) off, and I think many people were expecting a similar international act to follow last year's. When it was announced that
Alkaline Trio and Funeral For a Friend would be manning the main stage as headlining acts in 2011, many people were disappointed and - there's no other way to say this -
turned off. The question is,
RAMfest - traditionally - has always been about showcasing alternative talent. Alternative rock and metal - to be specific. The fact that they had Pendulum headline last year doesn't necessarily mean anything has changed. I, for one, am glad they have opted for international rock acts instead of another d&b, electro, dance act. There's the Electrodome for that in any case.
Alkaline Trio |
As for the local line-up, there is a
noticeable absence of Lark, Fokofpolisiekar and Die Heuwels Fantasties, all of whom were previously assumed to be RAMfest trademark acts. Personally, I like the fact that they're mixing things up a little bit; way-to usher in
a new generation of RAMfest trademark bands. Taking all of the above into account, I'm perhaps
more excited to see some of our local acts over the international headliners. Bands like Not My Dog, The Revelators, Isochronous, Wrestlerish, Blk Jks (especially after their dismal performance opening for 30 Seconds to Mars) Stepdog and The Sleepers are sure to draw a crowd. So, below is a little poll for you to vote on.
Will you be attending RAMfest V this year? Click click!
Last year: Pendulum (DJ Set)
ReplyDeleteLet's just say this again: DJ SET!!
Now you have REAL bands playing real music and the only people disapponted are the ones who don't even know the band's songs.
Funeral For A Friend and Alkaline Trio are pretty good musicians and they played in the mainstages of:
-Download Festival
-Reading Festival
-Sonisphere Festival
-Rock Am Ring
It's going to be amazing. That's a fact!
I agree. I'm stoked that RAMfest are putting the RAM back into their fest. I've never been much of a FFaF fan, but only because I don't know them. Alkaline Trio, however, I love - so I'm amped. Do you like any of the local acts playing?
ReplyDeleteBeen to every RAMfest since numero uno, I'd be going for the jol even if I wasnt excited about the international acts.
ReplyDeleteEach year has been better than the last and I dont think 2011 will disapoint. FFaF and Alkaline Trio were big bands for me a couple of years ago so really looking forward to seeing them play live even if I dont currently listen to them all that much. People crying about the organizers selection for the headliners truely perplexes me. These are two internationally renouned rock acts WHO ARE GONNA BE PLAYING IN A CARAVAN PARK IN FOKKEN WOESTER. I consider it to be a grand coupe by the organizers!
Well ampt to party hard in the Woester sun and get vrot dronk!
only bleakness: Lark not being there. They have stolen the show for me many times, great live act.
If nickfrost goes... I go. nuff said.
ReplyDeletePS: And it's my bday and I've waited 2 years to attend another Ramfest so Im just hoping it blows my mind regardless! (I wont be able to afford another celebration after this.)