11 March 2011

Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami Banter

I'm sure you're all aware of what's going right now in Japan. They were hit with an alleged 8.8 (later bumped up to 8.9) level earthquake, followed by a tsunami that is currently wreaking havoc at a number of locations. Live streams can be found here and here. (Off air).

But this below is what this blog post is really about. My pet peeve. People who say stupid things on Facebook. Enjoy.


Here are some more gems from the same person. Just when you thought they couldn't put their foot in it any more, they went and merged racism with religion. Oh lord.

And again.


  1. Thanks Nick. I've also already come into contact with apathy and sometimes happiness over this earthquake "because, you know, the dolphins".

  2. It's fucking ridiculous.

  3. Ok, that retarded.

    She should get her head out of her arsehole.

  4. The concerning part is the 6 likes... Didn't think there would be so many idiots that would agree.

  5. Anonymous10:43

    I would like to see how people like this would respond if something were to happen to SA and everyone was saying "Serves them right for apartheid!"

  6. It is VERY concerning. But I think most people just clicked like because of the profile picture. You know how some FB users are.

  7. i just love the Asian persuasion :'(

  8. @thecolourcodedcoquette, I agree. I would especially like to see what SHE has to say about it.

  9. kepeena10:50

    I just got this one on my feed: " i dunno, let's say all the dolphins in the world were to flap their fins simultaneously they would totally be able to produce a quake measuring 8.9... not to mention a killer tsunami.
    just sayin' japan, just sayin'."

    and then trying to be cutesy too! it's too much. i'll unfriend her after reporting for racism and giving her shit.

  10. i like the fact that she want's all the factories to be destroyed. tomorrow she will wonder why she cant buy batteries, or a frying pan...

  11. That is just terrible. Can't believe people reason like that.

  12. @Kepeena ARE YOU SERIOUS? First of all, that's retarded, and secondly: I really hate it when people say "just sayin'". Sadface.

  13. @Apyreal hahahaha, dude that's hilarious. Or when she tried to buy makeup.

    "Um, sorry ma'am, the whales and dolphins have gone on strike in Japan.".

  14. Anonymous11:06

    Seriously what is up with her?
    She sound like a retard

  15. kepeena11:09

    Agreed. Almost as much as I hate lol. Apparently I'm the only one she knows who has an issue with its utter stupidity and insane shortsightedness, which is pretty damn depressing.

  16. Anonymous11:15

    Wow..that was disgusting.. you should never wish anything like what is happening on anyone. We are all entitled to an opinion but if that is the only justification you can give for such a derogatory statement then you should rather keep your opinion to yourself.

  17. Anonymous11:16

    nick you just done got trolled you idiot.

  18. yes. and while she's at it, why doesn't she doom hawaii to hell for being part of ignorant america? or crucify the children of western mexico because their parents sell drugs every once in a while. how about fucking up new zealand for having a decent rugby team.

    yes, karma IS INDEED a bitch. self-righteousness is also a karmic no-no. watch your back when you walk to your car. it's not like you live in the safest city in the world. justsaying.. ;)

  19. Anonymous, just because someone's a prick doesn't mean they're purposefully trolling. I've seen this attitude every single time a natural disaster happens. Even if it was someone trolling (by posting a comment that puts themselves in bad light on their own facebook wall, which is retarded behaviour even for trolls) how is Nick an idiot for disagreeing with her and calling her out on it?

    Also, you might want to use grammar properly before you accuse someone else of idiocy.

    Of course, you're probably going to turn around and now tell me "you just got trolled you idiot". Ah, claiming you were trolling all along: The internet equivelent of getting out of being a recognized douchebag and held accountable for your own moronic statements.

  20. What worries me the MOST is the 'likes' on that status. Way to reinforcing faith in humanity... :-/

  21. Nick bro. looks like you need to do some friend editing.

  22. @flyinghorse True, but I like to keep my finger on the pulse of current stupidity. It affords me great blogging material like this ;) Thanks for the comment man!

  23. Anonymous11:51

    nick trolled himself. TLDR.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Nick i agree with Flyinghourse.... some friend optimisation time for you....

    shame on you lady with the black on your face.. you such a Nazi, you blonde !
    Chris Cativate

  27. Anonymous12:25

    lol you're half japanese.

  28. I like this. Viral marketing FLW (You should make yur comments 'do-follow' links) then my name would have been Jewellery

  29. You should put this shit up on lamebook...that will make her stupidity official and accessable to the world!

    What a disgusting, ignorant moron.

  30. A quote not mentioned here,

    "I dont need to impress anybody. What i must be humane towards inhumane ppl?? Stuff that, in tired of this sick world we live in and ppl turn the other way or feel sri 4 the evil. Bla bla this dumb blonde will 4eva hate japan and drink wine. Amen!"

  31. Yeah saw that one! But I had taken the screenshot already :( Maybe I'll update again. What do you think?

  32. Oh my. I just had a proper look at the other two 'statuses' ...my goodness I have no words.
    Intelligence, it seems, is independent of education these days...it seems to be more a product of natural selection :/

  33. um... i have no words

  34. This is the first time Apyrael has had no words. Which means a lot.

  35. Maybe let her make a few more dumbass statments first

  36. I hope her idea of "natural process" excludes her from the proces of reproduction. People like this should not "go forth and multiply"!

  37. @Emile Agreed. Guys, please follow this blog if you get the chance. There will be juiciness.

  38. "why is sumthing called a 'disaster' when its a natural process? What is my period also a disaster? For my man maybe..lol"

    Well, yes, as it indicates she's fertile and is able to procreate. Stupid racist people shouldn't be allowed to breed.

  39. Oh Laura, how I do love thee.

  40. This chick seriously needs to have her head, which is firmly stuck up her ass, checked out. 1) Not the entire country massacres dolphins. 2) No country deserves this levelof distruction 3) the impact of the quake and tsunami (refineries on fire and bursting, nuclear power plants in flames, oil leaking in the ocean, and all the other waste that has been unleashed) is bad bad BAD news for dolphins. 3) the tsunami has not only an impact on Japan, but on 20 (!!!) nations, at least. ARGH!

  41. I think comment of the day goes to you Miriam. Thank you! Keep 'em coming and remember to follow my blog :)

  42. Thanks. I hate narrow-minded people with an absolute passion. I will :-) As long as you follow mine (http://miriammannak.wordpress.com).

  43. Of course. Just did!

  44. Anonymous14:47

    Its a sad person that can not feel or empathise with anothers loss or pain

  45. i was reading the news now. America has moved it's embassy in Japan so that they can provide assistance as soon as possible. Google put alerts up on their website to warn users. All over the world people are rallying to help Japan with whatever they need. People on twitter started a trending topic for Japan, praying for them. Which makes me think of two things.

    1. If the whole world is trying to help Japan out then why are there these few people who seem devoid of human emotion towards a fellow human being. What about the non Japanese people in Japan, do they also deserve death? What about the children, animals, elderly, hell, everyone. Are you telling me that if you were in Japan now, and you saw someone clinging to a small branch in a river, about to be swept away that you would point at them and say "Ha! you deserve it". If so, then watch out for Karma, because you have something coming for you.

    2. I am quite sure there are christians in Japan. The amount of stereo-typing in those statuses is revolting. Take a look at yourself before you are so quick to categorize and judge other people.

    I could go on, but I just don't think it is worth it.

  46. Marisa15:30

    Weird...having the same debate on Facebook with someone right now. Lots of incredulous double takes...say whaaaaat??!

  47. Dennis15:35

    I got a "mother nature is getting her own back........" on my stream.
    Which, if true, makes me wonder what the people of Banda Aceh did back in 2004.
    I googled "whaling" and "Indonesia", but it didn't bring much up.
    Still, they probably deserved it anyway, right?

  48. Richie, nail on the head dude. Another comment of the day!

  49. Anonymous15:44

    What did Richie say?
    I can't see it.

  50. Dennis15:52

    Also, if the dolphins (or "Mother Nature" on behalf of the dolphins) were responsible, then why didn't they/she centre the earthquake on Taiji?
    Seems a bit silly to attack Sendai, which has no whaling links whatsoever and is described as one of Japan's greenest cities.


  51. There are no words in the English language that can describe the BASTARDS that are saying that the Japanese deserve it! the IDIOTS can go and rot in Hell for wishing death on innocent people!!!! their is absolutely no justification for comments such as this!!!!

  52. It is sooooo disturbing to me that people like this are around are and are on the increase...I would love to strangle this chick....

    P.S It's Stephanie btw...Tessa's big sister:)

  53. Hey Stephanie! Thanks for commenting. I agree with you fully. So disrespectful. I would wish it straight back at her but then I would only be stooping to her level. Instead I aim to expose stupidity and ignorance for what it is. Trying to hide it under the guise of weak excuses is low and pathetic - not to mention desperate - and for someone who began their argument by citing laws of Karma, this woman is dying for a taste of her own medicine.

  54. You can tell her that if she washes her hair in any type of shampoo she is contributing to killing of dolophines and whaling. Those killings are tragic but unless you are actively participating in preventing it, keep your mouth shut. This girl said it so right... take a look: http://www.julieinjapan.com/2010/03/japans-dolphin-hunt-in-taiji-sparks.html

    I have two friends living around Tokyo and I can't get hold of them so seeing that idiotic moron blabbing away was infuriating...children were hurt in this earthquake.

  55. Anonymous17:44

    why is this chick hating on japan, whales are tasty!

  56. I agree with Stephi. I have a number of friends working in Japan and my heart almost stopped when i heard the news this morning. Its so distasteful seeing someone spout such nonsense when so many people are affected by the trauma of it all.

  57. Anonymous20:49

    You know, the people who say Japan deserves it are mean, spiteful and nasty little human beings.

    Betcha a Canadian nickel they'd scream "racism!" if they were in a disaster like that and someone said they deserved it because of their nationality.

    What a bunch of losers.

    A couple my husband and I know have family living in Northern Japan... He's Canadian, married to a Japanese woman and they have at least 2 children that I know of. I've been worried about them and I do hope they are okay.

    Everyone over there and who were affected by the resulting tsunamis are in my thoughts and prayers.

    I imagine Canada will come to Japan's assistance too... I hope so.

  58. Nick: Kudos for this blog post.
    Dennis, awesome point! Well said.
    Laura, I agree 100%. Right on the money.

    I read her posts on Facebook, and I'm feuled with anger that such a moron breathes and is sadly a South African citizen.

    To say the least, she does not speak for SA, nor does she speak for the portion of her own brain that has a few cells hiding away.

    On a separate note, the slaughter of Dolphins and Wales is sad, and I don't support it, however, and this might sound crude, they are essential to our day to day living. It is no more cruel or different than the slaughter of a cow or any other livestock for food. What if humanity realises that plants are sentient, same as a dolphin? Plant activists anyone? What will be left to eat then I wonder? But it actually has been proven: http://davidsright.blogspot.com/2007/01/mythbusters-prove-plants-feel-pain.html

    So what now? Do we stop cutting down trees for wood? Do we stop using using aloe for our skins? Do we stop wearing warm socks in winter, made from cotton? Do we eat rocks, because there's nothing else??

    The (very sad) fact is that dolphins, whales, livestock and plant life are all resources that fuels the machine that is humanity.

    All that for survival you say? Well, erm, yes and no.

    I say yes because we all need to feed. Its a fact.

  59. I say no, because there is one aspect of humanity that I haven't yet addressed: an aspect inherent in humanity that is the cause for conflict between rich and poor, slaughterers and the sympathetic: Greed.

    Greed and selfishness is what causes individuals (who superimpose on their organisations) to horde and collect, to harness and strip the earth of EVERYTHING to amass wealth, ultimately in the pursuit of dominance.

    The rule is, take only what you need. If everyone lived by this, we'd have no poverty vs. wealth issues. We wouldn't need to worry about pollution or depletion of the Earth's natural resources.

    As four our moronic, idiotic Facebook poster; its sad that she will never be able to comprehend the bigger picture. Her intentions are good: hate wrongdoers, and make it a statement. Too bad she's simple minded and doesn't realise she's hating a whole country for something that only a few are responsible for. By her logic, a non South African should hate South Africa (because we are all Japan-haters because the view of one (simpleton) Facebook poster must be the view of the entirety of South Africa.

    I pity her, as she can not ascend to a higher plain to realise her faults and improve on them.

    On a personal note:
    I have standards when looking for a mate, and intelligence is the highest discerning factor. In other words, I wouldn't touch her with a koala's dick.

    Guys, if you really do need a shag, and it has to be her, be sure to use birth control and add some heated lemon juice, just to be sure.

    To EVERY SINGLE ONE hit by the earthquake as well as the Tsunami, my prayers, best wishes and condolences. I do not wish it on my worst enemy!

  60. It's quite easy for people to show apathy when they are far removed from the actual disaster area. Personally...well..I live in Chiba, Japan and underwent a 5.5 quake (low compared to the 8.9 in Miyagi) and saw the fireballs shoot up 75 meters in the sky, have a wrecked interior and had to sit through the horrifying experience of having to wait 18 hours for my wife to make her way home Japanese btw. Haters? Anyone??). Thank Dog we're save. Calling this karma for dolphins is calling Katrina Karma for the warmongering the US has been doing for decades. It's nature..it happens. No matter who it happens to it is horrible. The body count is going to be in the thousands. So whoever that person was that wrote those comments on FB..I hope she chokes on her on own feces.

  61. Kudos Chris and Ferdi. Great comments.

  62. On Twitter there's a thing called "Cunt of the day" A bit crude yes, but they also posted a collage of people's comments of the earthquake and tsunami - http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/upload/2011/03/i_hope_these_people_arent_your/GodBlessAmerica.php

    Unlike you, Nick, they weren't kind enough to black out the photos and names :P

  63. Jonathan Lin21:29

    Sorry for my skill with English. what ever she mentioned ... Japan does not deserve this and clearly she has done absolutely no research.She said , Japan poach animals and skin them. Not true. China is the main animal poacher ,including South Africa (tusks and horns).

    Japan are not environmental friendly. not true , they are environmental friendly in fact better than South Africa. except for the whale part ,but they don't eat dolphins !!! they hardly eat or poach whales now.

    They don't sell cheap products ,they sell expensive high quality products. so again she is wrong.

    There is also Christians in Japan and even Christians dislike anti-Christians, The Bible taught us to love every human being including nature. I am a Christian myself.

    The country do not think or criticize South Africa as a barbaric rapist and murderers . In fact they are quiet fond of South Africa, They (foreigners) love South Africa for the great environment. I came a cross many foreigners and never heard a negative remark or judgement. Instead of them making negative remarks, I as a South African make those negative remarks and yes all of the South Africa knows that them self . we all know that we know the crimes in South Africa .

    I am a Taiwanese, born in South Africa . A Christian and have been in contact with many foreigners. I do believe my experience is more trust worthy than her "research" . I wonder what brand is her computer , what brand is her tv and so on .... she should throw all of those things if it was made in Japan . This women should realize how much Japanese has done for humanity . I am not saying South Africa had done nothing. South Africa did their part in Humanity .

    i am an Asian and i know what racism feels like but this is unacceptable and ridiculous . Have i been a bit soft ? No , fuck her ! her friend was probably a prostitute in Japan for two years and that shit can be fed to her grandmother grave ...

  64. All good points Jonathan! Thanks for your thoughts and opinions. I'm sure there are many who agree.

  65. Anonymous23:36

    Wow. Japan does NOT deserve it. Whoever said that should've been in the tsunami in stead.


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