25 February 2011

Stuff I Did This Week [Part1]

Here is a visual/textual representation of a week in the life of your average-Joe blogger working in the city. I lead a relatively normal life, but it has its moments of utter weirdness and bizarre events. Being involved in the music scene kinda entails being involved with strange, unpredictable people - so I thought I'd post one of these updates from time to time; not only for potential blog visitors, but for myself as well. Hope you enjoy.

Explored the city of Cape Town...

RAMfest 2011 Press Release

Nekkies Holiday Resort, Worcester 
4 - 6 March 2011

Can you hear it? Can you feel it? RAM is coming!

Do you hear that office clock ticking… it’s ticking just for you… ticking the minutes, hours, and days away till you can unleash your beast… yes friends, The RAM is finally here! So come on people, pack away your suits and books and take out your crazy party clothes (hat tricks included) and get ready to have the time of your life!

14 February 2011

Song of the Week: A Static Lullaby - Toxic [Music]

I was originally going to post the Local H version of this song for the Song of the Week, but - while reading the comments - I discovered a new take on the Britney Spears "classic" that is even better. Don't ask me who A Static Lullaby are; all I know is that they have one dude who sounds like he smokes too many cigarettes and another dude who likes to shout a lot. Enjoy!

11 February 2011

Monthly Motivationals [26 Pics]

I'm trying to get a few regular-type posts going on my blog; I've started a Song of the Week post, where I showcase my very own unique (some might say strange) taste in music - the first of which is here. My newest idea is to start a regular motivational post. These pictures will be original, so you won't be able to find them anywhere else on the web. Due to limited time, I will only be doing motivational posts monthly (until further notice).

These next few pictures were taken a while back (2008? 2009 maybe?) and were consequently converted to motivationals. If you ask me, they were asking for it.

To see the full gallery, click on the post title above or the See More link below. Enjoy.

09 February 2011

The Heather Waters Experience

Heather Waters is a close friend of mine and someone that I have spent many an extended road-trip with while playing drums for her. Her soulful being and playful enthusiasm make her one of the coolest people to be around, and partying with her is how I'd imagine partying with Keith Richards might be: rough.

Heather recently released her EPK (Electronic Press Kit). It features a montage of footage and pictures from various tours and shows as well as an interview with the band members (including new additions Jeane Combe and Craig Vee).

Check out the Heather Waters website here.

07 February 2011

Social Matters [Social Media]

The world is going social media crazy; no matter who you are, where you live or what you do, it is highly unlikely that your life hasn't been in direct contact with some or other form of social media. The purpose of this post is to give a nice round summary of the various IM's, social networks and social apps that I use. Whether this will benefit you or not is still to be seen.

1. Facebook (obviously)

Facebook: the all-consuming internet eater. Hailed as the death of workplace productivity and the birthplace of daylight stalking. Say what you want about it: I think Facebook's here to stay. Click on the FB logo to be redirected to my profile if we're not already friends.

06 February 2011

Song of the Week: Mumford and Sons - Little Lion Man [Music]

I might be a little bit slow on the uptake, but don't these guys rock? Such a cool song. I'm a fan. Check out the super-stylish Mumford & Sons website here.

02 February 2011

LA.VI at The Assembly [Pics]

If you read this post, you would know that we played a killer show at The Assembly on Saturday (29th Jan). To follow up, here are some pictures taken by talented freelance photographer and filmmaker, Adriaan Louw. The following pics are purely LA.VI's set; for the rest, check out the full gallery on The Assembly's website. Click See More below this picture if all the pictures aren't displaying.

01 February 2011

The Egyptian Revolution [Egyptians Gonna Egypt]

I will be updating this post tonight. I'm sure you all know that there is something of an uprising happening in Egypt at the moment. Right now I don't have time to scramble for specifics or detailed information; work has got me well busy. Keep yourself busy so long by watching the video below - which is possibly one of the most epic videos on the Interwebs at the moment.

Remember to follow Speak2Tweet on Twitter for live updates straight from Egyptian citizens. Also, include the #Egypt hashtag in related tweets so that there is a central point for information online.

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