I love Lord of the Rings. The books and the movies. Yeah, I know you're probably thinking: "Of course he loves LotR. This is the guy who blogs about iPad apps and online banking and writes 'Lord of the Rings' out as LotR." Okay, I'm a nerd. Or geek. If you're one too, take a look at this collection of pics from the set of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and get ready for a geekgasm.
03 November 2011
02 November 2011
Mister & Misread: The Beginning
Here’s a quick update on all things Mister & Misread.
M&M are proud to be working alongside Sovereign Entertainment (Ash, The Black Hotels, Wonderboom, The Parlotones). They have taken us under their wing and are assisting us in delivering the best music possible – from us to you. We’re enormously excited to be working with such an esteemed brand in the industry – both in SA and internationally – and look forward to the future with enthusiasm and exhilaration!
M&M recently recorded our first demo at Sound & Motion studios, Cape Town. Silver Linings is available for streaming from our SoundCloud as well as on our Facebook Page. Let us know what you think!
M&M gigs for the coming months include but are not limited to:
- 22nd November | &Union (#tuesonfire) | Acoustic Act
- 26th November | Synergy Live Festival (LMG Stage) | Boschendal Wine Estate, Franschhoek
- 2nd December | Bright Street Summer Festival | Somerset West
FB Events will be created shortly to help ya’ll remember what’s up!
Lastly, we’d like to say thanks to a few people that helped us get where we are in such a short space of time:
Chris Captivate from Purple Cow, Tecla Ciolfi and Mike Smith from YourLMG, Corne Geyer from Sovereign Entertainment, Metoikus Cadmus of CADMUS Studios, Tiffany Cuff from Radio Helderberg 93.6fm, Karen Rykaart, Mark Swemmer from the Nameless Pub, Megan Douglas from Mango, our friends and family - and every other person who was involved in getting Mister & Misread to where we are today.
We honestly love you all!
Mister & Misread x
28 October 2011
SoundCloud For iPad [Video]
If you read my last post, you'll know about the sweet deal aimed at all FNB gold and platinum account holders. Obviously, I took advantage of this one-of-kind offering and am eagerly awaiting the arrival of a shiny new iPad 2.
Thwap! And just in time for my newest technological acquisition, is the release of the SoundCloud app for iPad. Drummers got timing yo! Check it:
If you can suggest any other cool sound apps: feedback section below! You know what to do. Later!
First National Bank,
iPad 2,
iPad apps,
Nick Frost

19 October 2011
FNB Rewards Customers With iPads, HTCs and Blackberries
First National Bank is giving their loyal customers
Unfortunately, the deal is open to Gold and Platinum Cheque account holders only. Devices will apparently be pre-loaded with the FNB banking app, and the costs will be included in your monthly bank charges. As in - you won't even notice the money leaving your account.
Here's the question: exactly how much is this going to drain from your account every month? FNB provided the following details on the discounts and financing options available:
So how do you do it? Super simple: SMS “phone” or “tablet” to 32812. Standard network rates apply. Don't mention it ;)
banking app,
BlackBerry Bold,
First National Bank,
HTC Sensation,
iPad 2,
Nick Frost

08 October 2011
Rocking The Daisies [Part 1]
So we've been at Rocking the Daisies for one night now and already I'm feeling the familiar festival fatigue. I'm sitting in the media center listening to aKing's set on the Main Stage, writing this post purely because I promised myself I'd do something productive today.
In the next installment I'll be doing more of a review of the festival as a whole. Also, I'll be doing a write up for Urban Edge Magazine. Check them out; very cool stuff.
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06 October 2011
Ticket Giveaway: No One's Arc At Zula
For those of you not going to Rocking the Daisies this year, don't fret. It's still possible to have a good time -even with the FOMO. You know it's gonna happen. I'm giving away tickets to No One's Arc at Zula Bar on Friday night. All you have to do is leave your name and email address in the comment section of this post.
It doesn't really get easier. For real. My competitions are so piss-easy I'm starting to feel frustrated with myself. Do it!
No One's Arc,
Rocking the Daisies,
Nick Frost

05 October 2011
Rocking The Daisies Festival Map
After looking at this, I'm even more amped for Rocking the Daisesthis weekend. (Lol at blogger's tent).
Who's joining?
03 October 2011
Song of the Week: Blink 182 - Hearts All Gone
How could I possibly let the new Blink 182 album, Neighborhoods pass by without a Song of the Week installment to commemorate it? What kind of fan would I be? This song takes me right back to the Golden Blink days; when their songs were impractically fast and their lyrics were catchier than most STDs. I also hear a bit of +44 in there somewhere. Enjoy!
What do you think of the new Blink album?
Blink 182,
Hearts All Gone,
song of the week
Nick Frost

22 September 2011
Win Tickets To EJ Von Lyrik At Zula This Friday
Win tickets to EJ Von Lyrik at Zula bar tomorrow night. All you have to do is answer this simple question: which other female vocalist is opening for EJ Von Lyrik on Friday? Answer in the comments section below. And... GO!
21 September 2011
Dear Human...
Every once in a blue moon I find (amidst the quagmire of self-promotion and spelling tHaT lOoKs LiKe ThIs) something awesome on Facebook. The following image is one of those. Click on the picture to make it beeger.
Have a sweet humpday!
Have a sweet humpday!
16 September 2011
Legends Of Memory
Are you ready for a hefty dose of nostalgia? The following rare photos are packed with legendary influencers of our time such as Elvis Presley, Mick Jagger, The Beatles and Madonna. Yeah. So don't act like you're not going to click the see more button below the picture. Enjoy!
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RINGO STARR and DAVID BOWIE (most probably high as kites) |
13 September 2011
Song of the Week: Grouplove - Colours
I heard this song on the radio recently and immediately loved it. For weeks I scoured the Internet trying to find any trace of an artist name or song title - but alas, with not even a single lyric to go off, it was near impossible (IDEA: how about hum-a-tune search functionality, Google?)...
Until, one fateful day, the song made a resurgence. I immediately SoundHounded it and the rest - as they say - is his story. Check it out. Like it; love it; +1 it. Whatever.
Until, one fateful day, the song made a resurgence. I immediately SoundHounded it and the rest - as they say - is his story. Check it out. Like it; love it; +1 it. Whatever.
06 September 2011
The Plastics Release Music Video For Caroline
The Plastics have released a new sexy music video just in time for the Spring flux of raging hormones. Check it out.
Who is the guy making out with the girl on the couch? He looks super familiar. Free kudos to whoever can give him a name. Later!
24 August 2011
Studio Diary [Day 1]
I'm in the studio with Heather Waters this week tracking six songs for her new album. Here are some photos from last night. Much fun was had - you can tell because I'm rocking a tambourine.
18 August 2011
Win Tickets To The Arrows Live In Cape Town
Durban-based pop duo, The Arrows, will be performing at Zula on Saturday night, and I've been charged with the pleasurable task of giving away a double set of tickets to said event.
All you have to do is comment on this blog post with the name and URL of your favourite local blog. There's no obligation for it to be my blog - honest. Come on, it's a pretty easy way of saving R65 on tickets. So it's:
- name
- email address
- favourite local blog/website (name and URL)
Good luck! For more info on the gig, check out the Facebook event. Later.
16 August 2011
Strike/Vandalism/Riot In Cape Town
BREAKING NEWS: this is happening right now (13:55, 16 August 2011) in Cape Town CBD. For more information check out CapeTimes or News24.
Obviously there's a big difference between setting a dustbin alight and burning down an entire building, but still - this is a great display of the power of social media. I'm willing to take a large bet that these strikers were at least partially inspired by the London Riots.
Obviously there's a big difference between setting a dustbin alight and burning down an entire building, but still - this is a great display of the power of social media. I'm willing to take a large bet that these strikers were at least partially inspired by the London Riots.
15 August 2011
Breede Vibes [Video]
We went away to the Breede River this past weekend. The time spent there is always too eventful, hilarious and debaucherous for words - but this video provides a basic outline as to a normal day's activities by the River. Ninja Pong, drinking, poi, cooking, sleeping, dancing and just messing around in general. Present: Grizzle, Misread, Megan, Melissa, Jenn, Paul and Rory. Checkit:
11 August 2011
Win Tickets To The Taxi Violence Video Launch At Zula Bar
I’m giving away free things again. This time it’s super simple: just comment on this blog post and stand a chance to win one set of double tickets to The Plastics and Taxi Violence music video launch at Zula Bar tomorrow. Also on the line-up are my LA.VI lovelies from the West.
Taxi Violence launch their new music video, Long Way from Home, and The Plastics launch Caroline, from their debut album, Shark. You don't wanna miss this one. Trust me. Later!
Taxi Violence launch their new music video, Long Way from Home, and The Plastics launch Caroline, from their debut album, Shark. You don't wanna miss this one. Trust me. Later!
21 July 2011
OpenWeb Drops The Ball
South African Internet provider, OpenWeb, have been letting it slip lately as far as customer service and support goes. The following correspondence is between a colleague and the ISP.
Now I've never been a big fan of the name-and-shame game, but I thought this deserved attention, as such blatant ignorance, discourtesy and miscommunication is unacceptable. Customer service is tops these days. As a brand, considering the boom of social media and the birth of the humble blog, one slip up is all it takes to send your business into disarray. Ask Woolworths. Ask Nestle. Now ask OpenWeb. Read on.
20 July 2011
The Dirty Skirts Album Launch Ticket Give Away
It's been a good week for competitions. I gave away a ticket to The Used at Grand West yesterday, and today I'm giving away a set of double tickets to The Dirty Skirts album launch in Cape Town, Pretoria and Johannesburg. That's six tickets in total. All the details for the shows are on the FB events (linked to the locations above).
So what do you have to do? It's pretty simple really: click the FB-share button at the bottom of this post. In the box that pops up, tag The Dirty Skirts (@-tag them!) along with a good reason why you, of all people, deserve the tickets. Also, include the launch you'd like to win tickets to. So, basically:
- Share on FB
- Tag The Dirty Skirts
- Include a reason and either CT, JHB or PTA
- Hold appendages
Winners will be chosen at random, so enter as many times as you like. Better get sharing. Competition ends tomorrow at 17:00. Later.
19 July 2011
Who Wants A Free Ticket To The Used In Cape Town?
I held a small, Twitter-based competition this morning. This is how it went:
We have a winner! And it's none other than Kaydee Van Eyssen. A well-deserved victory! Thanks all who participated. We managed to get #usedcomp trending at Number 1 in Cape Town - above the likes of #Murdoch, #Mandela, #Malema and the Google Engage Conference.
We have a winner! And it's none other than Kaydee Van Eyssen. A well-deserved victory! Thanks all who participated. We managed to get #usedcomp trending at Number 1 in Cape Town - above the likes of #Murdoch, #Mandela, #Malema and the Google Engage Conference.
Any feedback can be left in the section below. Later.
18 July 2011
A 67-Minute Walk to Freedom
I was content with spending my 67 Mandela minutes doing nothing. Not because of my tendency towards apathy or any resistance towards the whole idea of the initiative, but because doing nothing for an hour is - technically - doing something good for an hour. In my case, anyway.
There it is. Just under 68 minutes of charitable goodness. You know it’s true, because it’s on an iPhone screen. You can check out the rest of the pictures on the Purple Cow FB Fanpage. And remember to get your charity hat on for 67 minutes today. It’s the very least you can do.
Special thanks must go out to a few of the herd; specifically Jo, Leilah, Cheridan and Keena. The rest of us weren't too bad either.
What did you do for Mandela Day? Leave your stories in the feedback section below. Later.
There it is. Just under 68 minutes of charitable goodness. You know it’s true, because it’s on an iPhone screen. You can check out the rest of the pictures on the Purple Cow FB Fanpage. And remember to get your charity hat on for 67 minutes today. It’s the very least you can do.
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We made a difference to a bunch of kids' lives by showing up at the Homestead and dropping groceries off. Check out their website (linked above) if you'd like to contribute to a good cause. |
Special thanks must go out to a few of the herd; specifically Jo, Leilah, Cheridan and Keena. The rest of us weren't too bad either.
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Social Media Guru, Leilah and Copywriting Queen, Faeron. |
08 July 2011
Copy Busters [Part 1]
Welcome to Copy Busters. This is where I get to let my inner grammar Nazi shine through. For the good of the human race, this is me correcting life's many typos. Boom.
Uri/nil – Take a look at this ad for the recruitment agency, VHC Online. Read it. It’s blatantly obvious that it’s targeted at women. The content, the colour... All signs lead to this very obvious conclusion. Which is confusing... When you consider the fact that I saw it here:
God Boobs – This one has been busted before by the legends over at Mojodojo, but it was the first time I’d seen the ad – so I’m including it. For those who don’t know, the girl is FHM model, Genevieve Morton, and the ad is for the sunblock brand, Tropitone. Oh, and in case you’re wondering what the bust is all about...
Definitely Not Regular – If you’d like to witness this one for yourself, you can check it out at the fish and chips shop on the Fanwalk across from my office. Quality spelling... Although, to be fair, the people in that shop don’t even look human – let alone English.
Irony Truck – Okay, so technically this isn’t a typo, but it’s still pretty funny. Would you hire this guy to tow your car?
Can’t You C? – There are high dosages of fail in this one. No further comment is needed. Check it out at 2 Oceans Bac(k)packers on lower Long Street, Cape Town.
Disgrace – This is a test. Somewhere on this Heat magazine cover, there’s a lone copy error. Leave your answer in the comment section below. If you get it right I’ll give you a Grammar Nazi high five.
Uri/nil – Take a look at this ad for the recruitment agency, VHC Online. Read it. It’s blatantly obvious that it’s targeted at women. The content, the colour... All signs lead to this very obvious conclusion. Which is confusing... When you consider the fact that I saw it here:
God Boobs – This one has been busted before by the legends over at Mojodojo, but it was the first time I’d seen the ad – so I’m including it. For those who don’t know, the girl is FHM model, Genevieve Morton, and the ad is for the sunblock brand, Tropitone. Oh, and in case you’re wondering what the bust is all about...
God: 1. A holy man; a guru 2. An incarnation of a god in human form.
Goddess: 1. A female deity 2. A woman who is adored for her beauty.
Definitely Not Regular – If you’d like to witness this one for yourself, you can check it out at the fish and chips shop on the Fanwalk across from my office. Quality spelling... Although, to be fair, the people in that shop don’t even look human – let alone English.
Irony Truck – Okay, so technically this isn’t a typo, but it’s still pretty funny. Would you hire this guy to tow your car?
Can’t You C? – There are high dosages of fail in this one. No further comment is needed. Check it out at 2 Oceans Bac(k)packers on lower Long Street, Cape Town.
Disgrace – This is a test. Somewhere on this Heat magazine cover, there’s a lone copy error. Leave your answer in the comment section below. If you get it right I’ll give you a Grammar Nazi high five.
04 July 2011
Some Monday Goodness [Video & Song]
I trust you've all had just as cold a Monday as I've had? Wow, I know I'm reaching the next level when I start talking about the weather on my blog right? There are just two things I'd like to bring to your attention this evening:
Grizzle and I recently did an interview with Capetowners.co.za. Check the finished clip below. Big ups to the rad guys from Capetowners. Follow them on Twitter here.
And: Kristyn Rohm (remember her from the White Blank Page video post?) recently recorded another cover song with the uber-talented Louwtjie Rothman. This time it's a Coldplay track. Checkit:
Kristyn Rohm,
Louwtjie Rothman,
Nick Frost

29 June 2011
This is what my Gtalk looked like yesterday afternoon.
Dry, bro-humour aside though - this is good news! For those who haven't heard, my good friend (as well as ex-housemate / guy crush / spooner) Lourens Corleone (known affectionately by the bros as 'Krans') is engaged! And who's the lucky lady? None other than uber-talented photographer / designer, Adele Kloppers! A power couple if there ever was one! Check them out:
Guys (Adele and Krans), I think I speak on behalf of all of us (the whole crew) when I say that the two of you deserve the best kind of happiness. And I'm glad you found it with each other. Why, it feels like just the other day that I witnessed (what I believe to be) your guys' first kiss, under the light of a waning laptop, whilst listening to Journey - Don't Stop Believing.
Congratulations! I love you both. Don't ever stop believing ;)
17 June 2011
So Many Activities! [Videos]
My last few posts have been of the video variety so - in keeping with the spirit - I decided to do an entry with all of the little clips I have scattered across the web on various blogs and YouTube channels. CENTRALIZE, GO! Forgive their quality; they were all shot on a handheld Sanyo Xacti camcorder for web.
Getting Drunk for Science: This last one I'm most proud of. It's a little mockumentary documenting the drunken escapades of Krans, Roxy Bayman, Simon Gerber, Loki Swanepoel and I. Glaceau Vitamin Water approached the Stellenbosch-based lifestyle start-up, LifeAfter5, to film a webisode for Stellies students. They then got our production company, iamlovechild, to shoot this. Anyway, I'm not going to get into details, the video will speak for itself. Enjoy!
And that's all for this week. Hope ya'll enjoy your second Friday today ;)
Dissing Your Pets: This video was shot off the cuff one night in my old place where I lived with Loki Corleone and Nick Kuiper (from the Akelian Circus). The cat featured is my old cat Holly Luna - whom I love dearly, but had to give away due to pet restrictions at my new place. I miss her. Now watch the video.
The Stilbaai Violence: This video was shot over a week long road trip up to Stilbaai over New Years 2009-2010. I intended it to play out like a music video, which I think I accomplished. Featured in this video: Dennis Krige, Bob Flinderflap, Juliette Starke, Phil Grizzly, Jessie Johnstone, Ian Eagleheart, Caitlin Jayne and myself.
Infecting the City 2010: This is a little video I made while I was interning at Cape Music Industry Commission (Cape MIC). We were recruited to do guerrilla marketing in the Cape Town CBD for the Infecting the City Performing Arts Festival 2010. Featuring: Jeze Bel, Jono Mervis, Zandi Hoshe and Erik Smit. Also, we taped up a cop car, so you should check it out.
Getting Drunk for Science: This last one I'm most proud of. It's a little mockumentary documenting the drunken escapades of Krans, Roxy Bayman, Simon Gerber, Loki Swanepoel and I. Glaceau Vitamin Water approached the Stellenbosch-based lifestyle start-up, LifeAfter5, to film a webisode for Stellies students. They then got our production company, iamlovechild, to shoot this. Anyway, I'm not going to get into details, the video will speak for itself. Enjoy!
And that's all for this week. Hope ya'll enjoy your second Friday today ;)
cape MIC,
Glaceau Vitamin Water,
infecting the city,
New Years,
Nick Frost

14 June 2011
Kristyn Rohm And I Get Our Mumford On
If you follow me on Twitter, you will have read about the mini-music video Kristyn and I shot on Monday 6th June, in Durbanville. The shoot was a lot of fun and I'm pretty damn happy with the result (even though this song has been YouTube covered to death). Big up to Etienne Janse Van Rensburg, the man behind the camera (and concept), as well as Killian Pond, the brains behind the set design and lighting. Check the video out below:
We will be working towards an original recording before the end of the month, followed closely by another video sometime next month. Until then, we could really use your help with name ideas. Leave suggestions in the comment section below the post. Peace!
We will be working towards an original recording before the end of the month, followed closely by another video sometime next month. Until then, we could really use your help with name ideas. Leave suggestions in the comment section below the post. Peace!
05 June 2011
Song of the Week: Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows - If You Think This Song Is About You
I seem to go through moods with music. So judging by this latest Song of the Week installment, my current mood must be a deadly mixture of anger, anxiety, insanity and cynicism... Which is slightly alarming, because according to my FingerScan iPhone app:
Enjoy the song!
Thank you Bob Flinderflap, for introducing me to this band.
28 May 2011
A Week In Links [Blogworthy]
I've been keeping tab on interesting, funny and noteworthy links over the past few days with the intention of posting weekly lists. Here is the first of them. You can check out a real-time link library by using the #blogworthy hashtag on Twitter. Until someone hi-jacks it, that is.
Dove makes a massive design faux pas. But then again, they've always had a thing for white birds. I'm not going to say another word.
Dove makes a massive design faux pas. But then again, they've always had a thing for white birds. I'm not going to say another word.
23 May 2011
Gangsta Rapture! [Memes]
So who experienced the Rapture? No one? Me neither... but that's what I thought would happen. I mean we've been saying it for ages now: nobody's perfect. Sorry Jesus!

Buzzfeed - Rapture Feed - Just a collection of quirky pictures at the Rapture's expense.

For those of you who were away from the Internet this weekend, you may have missed some #memegold making rounds. For your benefit, I've compiled a short list of the best stuff. Enjoy!
How God Is Managing The Rapture - Check this Oatmeal comic out. They never disappoint. Just click on the link!
Reddit - Operation Rapture - A thread called Operation Rapture was posted to Reddit on May 19th 2011 (my birthday) that included a picture with instructions to "wake up early on May 21st, and throw clothes on to the street to make it appear as if a mass amount of people were teleported to the after life". Loving it.
eBay - $100, 000 Rapture Insurance - "Don't be caught off guard and leave your family high and dry without a way to survive when you are taken to Heaven. You know YOU are going to Heaven, but maybe you aren't sure about your wife/husband/kids. Prepare for this magical day and take care of your family. I am offering $100,000 of insurance for $19.99. I will email a copy of your plan to the family member of your choice. Please leave the email of a family member that you know for a fact won't be Raptured with your Paypal payment." eBay user/opportunist
I'm not even joking.
FAILblog - Rapture FAILS - Another collection of funny pictures regarding the Rapture (or the lack thereof). What really amazes me is that some of these billboards have the words "The Bible Guarantees It" for everyone to see. Somewhere, people are feeling stupid. And stupid likes it.
After The Rapture Pet Care - According to various self-proclaimed specialists, the worst part about being raptured is leaving behind your beloved pets. Services on the web offered care for these pets once the rapture took place. Believe it.
See you next Rapture!
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