17 April 2011

We Survived The Fire

There was a massive fire in Somerset West this weekend. Our house is pretty far up the mountain so we were slightly worried, but we woke up alive this morning, feeling fresh and blister free. But seriously, the fire was bad and people lost shit. Not cool, smokers! What? It wasn't the smokers? It was a CONTROLLED FIRE!? Didn't look very controlled to me... Oh I see, it must've flared out of control due to the powerful south east-er we experienced yesterday. Stupid weather. If only there were a way to predict the weather. Some kind of... weather forecast.

Nature Reserve: don't just start fires whenever you feel like it. That's not "reserving". For more information, check out the articles on Times Live, News24 and IOL.

EDIT: Apparently, the fire was a controlled fire started on Wednesday in Erinvale. The remains of the fire continued to burn until Saturday - an unfortunate mistake - and reignited when the wind picked up. Coincidentally, the picture below was taken inside Erinvale Estate.

Oh. Thanks for that.


  1. According to sources on the scene, the fire actually started within Erinvale's grounds, not in the nature reserve.

  2. Yes, I must edit that. Apparently, they had a controlled fire at Erinvale on Wednesday. There was a problem and somehow the fire got underground - flared up again when the wind picked up on Saturday.

  3. you are correct.

    i also love you.


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